






42 thoughts on “關於作者

  1. I have found your blog writing very interesting and informative. Keep trying!! It seems that you are leading a happy life at the States. We are all well in Australia. Wife is still working part-time and I am doing casual teaching. I am now 62 and should be retiring any time. We have done more travelling during 2006 than any other years, i.e. Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and stayed in San Francisco for one month to care for my sick brother. Have a nice day unless you have other plans. Happy Chinese New Pig Year.
    Eddie Wong Kwok Wai

  2. 中国历史,中国文化,中国文学,我也很喜欢,作为一个中国人,我感到很自豪.对于道家,禅宗,和儒家的一些思想很喜欢,不过由于某些走错的路,没有好好利用,学识尚浅,还望有机会能向您请教.

  3. Wow! It’s impressive and enjoyable. I’ve made a glimpse of it only. I’ll visit your website again, sure, doing the readings with Ah Kiu. I hope that it can inspire Ah Kiu to start his own, sharing his witty poetic phrases and photos with firends and visistors. Hope you will be informed of the birth of such a website soon. Hope my wish CAN COME TRUE!!!
    God Bless with Love.
    Ah Kiu and Ah Shan.

  4. 阿珊,歡迎來訪。我也期待著阿喬能有自己的Blog,把他生活中的所思所感與朋友們分享,這該是一件令人期盼的事。

  5. 田雞,
    有阿慮,小寶和number one等人的消息嗎?我今年未能到香港,待日後返港時,再和你通電。
    有空請來email 告知近況。

  6. 吳 sir,
    我是你中學的學生 (李偉源) ,我曾在公理讀中二至中四,與董偉明、陳致丹、陳雯潔、司徒綺霞 .. 等同屆。因為遇到蔣玉泉才知到你的 blog,很開心再與你聯絡得上,公理至今已三十多年,轉瞬間真快。我仲有同其他公理同學見面,如果你唔介意,我會將你個 blog 放出去,咁… 會有很多同學來煩你。同意與否 ? 等你回電郵。

  7. Hi, 吳SIR,
    您好嗎? 因為喬SIR的事,接觸了MS LEE,也因此得知你的BLOG。很久沒有通訊,所以,在此打個招呼。
    祝願 身體健康,生活愉快。

  8. 你還記得我嗎? 偶然在 facebook 上見到你的blog…. , 我是陳敬業, 在公理時代的 F.4A, F.5A 你教我文學, 希望你send e-mail 比我, 我現在也居住於北美, keep in touch!! 我還記得你教我學海無涯, 唯勤是岸o 我說得對嗎?

  9. Hello 吳Sir, long long time no see.
    If you still remember me, this is Gillian. I’ve been back to Hong Kong for almost 10 years. Heard from Ms Lee about your blog, so just want to drop you a line. As you’ll see from the above website, I just got married in last Jun! Both Joshua and I work at church full time, and plan to study in seminary in year 2010. Anyway, I’m so glad to know you are still in good shape =)

  10. 吳sir,好耐無見啦!我係公理1980-1985 學生有印象嗎?
    你近況如何?近期有同D舊同學出來敘敘,alice fu 說與吳sir你聯絡過,所以得知你的blog,希望在此與你問好!祝你生活愉快,身體健康!

  11. 吳榮欽老師:
    Tel.no. 852-91841332


    • 鍾憲章,


  12. 吳榮欽老師:
    祝 生活愉快,身體健康

  13. 我已經將有關消息及你之blog發給陳雯潔, 她亦回覆會轉告陳致丹, 相信不久你有消息收到.

  14. Hi Ng Sir and 鍾憲章, thx for still remember of me and indeed this is very nice to get in touch with all the “old” friends, to recall all those sweet memories when in high school. Thanks to Wilson and Louisa to forward your blog address to me. (Sorry I didn’t install Chinese typing in here, too busy and too lazy :))

    I immigrated to Toronto Canada for almost 22 years, my son is turning to 21 in coming Oct. I married to Richard Tung (董偉明) who was also your student in Kung Lee. (Thanks to 李偉源 too, without his previous comments, I couldn’t copy and paste for these Chinese names, haha). We only went back HK for few times, about once in 10 years. Too busy at work in here.

    Nice to see Ng Sir has a very pleasant life in States, a happy family 🙂 Actually where are you in US? which city? whenever you visit Toronto, please please drop by to see us, we still have quite a few Kung Lee students in here. Ms Lai, our music teacher in Kung Lee had visited us last year, and I had her picture in my facebook. Pls add me as friend in there then you can see (I have 2 facebook accounts, Leane Chan is for family, so you can add me on Leane Tung’s account).

    鍾憲章, you are welcome to add on my facebook as well, still remember you my Form 1 classmate, did you still contact with Au Yeung and Kwok Man Yee (I believe they are both still in Australia).

    Sorry Ng Sir, I don’t mean to use your blog to chat with other friend, just really don’t have much time to work on computer when at home. Anyway I am so glad to get hold with you two, keep in touch!

    Take care,
    Leane (陳致丹)

    • 陳致丹,


  15. 吳榮欽老師,蔣玉泉,陳雯潔及各師兄姐:

    最後,再向吳老師道謝,並祝 事事順利,笑口常開。

    弟 憲章敬上

  16. Hi Ng Sir,

    How are you ? It is nice to contact you. I have asked other schoolmates and teachers I knew if they had your contact info., for many years, but getting nowhere. Please come to see us for sure if you would be in town Toronto.

    I knew that you were our good teacher and now I learn from your blog that you are a good cook, musician and artist too.

    We have couple schoolmates living in Toronto now. I think they are excited and more than happy to contact you. I will get my “chinese writing pad” installed and send you their names in chinese so you might decide whom you still remember and might have your contact info.

    Have a nice day,

    • 董偉明,
      印象中,當年你是我那一班的班長吧? 你好像與Mary Zeto 同班。時間過得很快,轉眼已是三十年的事了。

  17. Ng Sir,

    You really have a very good memory, yes, I was the monitor in Form 3 and you were the head teacher of my class. Time flies…..

    Drop me an email at any time, and looking forward your visit to Toronto.

    Take care,

  18. 時間帶不走我們的回憶了, 現在分別這麼久又再次聯絡上, 是很難得!
    對了, 吳sir, 你可記得當年我F2G班一些同學名字? 如: 張佩瑤, 陳偉康, 杜志(子)祥, 梁桂嬌, 陳偉康現在我們還是有聯絡, 曾經月前一起飲茶; 梁桂嬌在一次公理校友會旅行時, 再次有碰上, 她是已移民加拿大回流之人仕了.

  19. 榮欽:



    • 昆岡,

  20. 吳sir, 唔知你記唔記得我, 我係同唐鳯至, 林寶雲…佢哋同一屇公理學生。剛在星期四跟她們聚會時說起你這個blog, 好開心隔了這麼多年仍有機會再跟您聯絡上, 祝您與家人身體健康, 生活愉快!

    • 王慧玲
      我當然記得你,近況如何? 有空請多聯絡。

  21. Hi Ng Sir. Not sure if you remember me. This is Tong May Ching 唐美貞 and you taught Chinese History when I was in Form 3. I am sooooo glad that that I found this blog through Cheng Wan Yee’s facebook page. I also found a lot of great pictures of you, Hudson Soo, Ma Sir and some other old friends of Kung Lee College. It brought back lots of good memories of those days.

    I am now living in Los Angeles with my husband and daughter. Time flies. My daughter is going to University of Southern California this autumn already. She is leaving to Hong Kong then Shanghai tomorrow to work summer job before starting school here in August.

    I heard that you are in the States as well. Hope to see you again one of these days either in the U.S. or in the State. Please keep in touch.

    Take care,
    Kathryn Tong May Ching

  22. 吳 Sir,
    睇翻你的facebook才知道你有寫blog, 真是榮幸! 吳 Sir 的中文字好靚現在仍然記得。不知道你們一家已在多日前離開了紐約,盼望下次有機會再來的話,祈盼可以見一面!


  23. 吳Sir, 你可能對我沒有什麼印象了,但是你的長髮和瀟灑的中文字,長在我的腦海中!祝你身體健康!

  24. 吴先生您好,我是香港中文大学的博士,研究香港的建筑,从你发文中得悉您跟周修德先生关系紧密,请问是否可以向您进一步了解周先生?(macau49@gmail.com)

    • 我與周在學生時代一起玩音樂,一起學習,大學畢業後各有各忙,只是還一起搞音樂活動,只知道現在公屋的Y字型建築是他主催而成的,可謂造福不少的香港人。

  25. 吳榮欽老師,你好,我中學時代已看過你寫的中國歷史參考書,很有深度,想找你寫的「預科中國史」,可惜已絕版,希望能夠在書市重現。

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